Scribo Support for Writing Growth

Resources to Support Systemic Growth in Writing Skills 

A Note about Scribo 3.0

An interest in using Presto Learning by the Diocese required a shift to Scribo 3.0 as the two applications are linked within Literatu's code.  In some ways, this is a step backward in that Scribo 3:

The positives lay in its potential:

Because we hope that Scribo 3's execution and features will continue to be refined, the CEDoW Learning K-12 Team has decided to make the switch. The following guides will be completely modified and updated when Scribo 3 emerges in its more mature state of development. Until then, resources in the following pages will be labeled as "Scribo 2" unless a rudimentary Scribo 3.0 replacement is provided. More polished guides for Scribo 3.0 will be developed shortly.

Overview of Scribo for Writing Success

Highlighting 3 main tools for teachers & students.


Scribo is an intelligent software assistant designed to help both students and teachers.  As a complete tool, the best approach is to choose aspects that support your goals for student writers, whether this means developing core skills or refining advanced techniques.   Please watch the introductory video (featuring Scribo 2) to the left to get started, then…

 Choose Your Tool…

Scribo can be used separately or in combination:

Immediate analytic feedback

Real-time data on student writing

Data insights inspire teachable moments